International cooperation


Career guidance and counselling basis for a better future (CABAF) — surveys and analyses of the regional labour markets in Slovakia, the Netherlands, France and Hungary.


Skills Training for Effective Practice – strategic partnership implemented within the Erasmus+ program of the EU with partnering institutions from the United Kingdom, Cyprus, Poland, Hungary and Slovakia.


Innovative Development of Entrepreneurial Skills of Youth – the objective of the INDESK is to elaborate educational program and create a publicly accessible e-learning platform applicable in entrepreneurial education and motivation of young people to do business. INDESK is a strategic partnership between Erasmus+ with partners from educational institutions from France, the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovakia.


The major objective of the SILVER project is to design and implement a distance-education programme helping to improve skills and employment of people aged over 50. Strategic partnership of Erasmus+ is implemented in cooperation with partnering institutions From France, the Netherlands, Hungary and Slovakia


Trexima is a member of EVTA – European Vocational Training Association, which is a European network of organisations active in life-long education. EVTA’s objective is to share know-how and provide support to vocational training and education at the European level.